Blockquote Tips
Blockquote makes a small text box that is indented, as in a quote.
To make a blockquote, simply copy and paste the following HTML code:
<blockquote>Text Text Text</blockquote>
Finally, change the "Text Text Text" message to suit your needs.
Related Tips:
Align Text and Images
Tips for Formatting Text
NOTE FROM GEOFFREY: The "correct" use of the blockquote is to quote someone. For example:
Geoffrey said this:
As you can see, the tag is handy to quote people or websites.
This text is a little to the right because of the blockquote tag. To learn how to make a blockquote like this one, continue reading HTML Tips and Tricks.
To make a blockquote, simply copy and paste the following HTML code:
<blockquote>Text Text Text</blockquote>
Finally, change the "Text Text Text" message to suit your needs.
Text Text Text
Related Tips:
Align Text and Images
Tips for Formatting Text
NOTE FROM GEOFFREY: The "correct" use of the blockquote is to quote someone. For example:
Geoffrey said this:
"Although you can use this tag simply to indent text, it is better if you use it to quote. That is why it is called the "blockquote" tag."
As you can see, the tag is handy to quote people or websites.
If this works best when quoting, what tag works best for simply wanting to: Indent ( or indent 5 spaces) = an entire paragraph?
Anonymous, at September 23, 2005
Well, just use that...
Unless you want to use stylesheets:
nilsmo, at September 23, 2005
NOTE FROM GEOFFREY: The "correct" use of the blockquote is to quote someone. For example:
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銘, at March 04, 2014
عنکمیص؛ھنعمور،ن مصھکحنعسمو رسمو،نریس عمصحکدلعرو،۔س،۔ورعکسمصحلسلع،ورے۔فسحمصدسع،وے۔سیم؛صرریس،ورے۔س ورسی،مص؛ینلسس،۔قفےس ؛ویرقسق ورسی؛قوری س
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